amateur dramatic society in Dunham Massey near Altrincham


About Us

Welcome to the home of The Dunham Thespians, a non-profit making amateur dramatic society based at Dunham Massey Village Hall, near Altrincham in Cheshire.

The society was formed in 1922, and has produced an average of two plays per year ever since. Historically the audience base was entirely local villagers, but more recently, as our reputation for jovial but professional productions has spread, we have attracted new audience members from many of the surrounding towns. We currently have around 20 active members, with several others who generously give their time to help out on play nights and behind the scenes. All of the members are volunteers, and any profit generated is either re-invested into the society or donated to carefully selected charities.

Off The Hook (1996)

Our productions have spanned everything from Noel Coward to William Shakespeare, but we like to focus on light-hearted comedies, with plays from the likes of Willy Russell and Derek Benfield proving popular. The local Village Hall provides the venue for our productions, seating around 80 people, and each production usually runs for four consecutive nights.

Although we always strive to achieve quality productions, our focus is on enjoyment for all involved. We are always welcoming of new members, and can offer encouragement and guidance for anybody new to amateur dramatics. Being involved in a production in any capacity is hard work, but it is a thoroughly rewarding and worthwhile experience.

The Tea Cosy (1967)